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Everything about the original cartoon from the 90’s.

Talking to the Pros

Have you ever wondered what Darkwing’s true origin story was? Why the animation varies in different episodes? Are you looking for behind-the-scenes tidbits? Welcome to Talking to the Pros! Here, you will find a list of interviews with the professionalsContinue readingTalking to the Pros

Rumors & Trivia

Heard any rumors on the grapevine about the cartoon? Missing episodes? Character information? Send in your rumors and trivia to Providing sources to back up your information is helpful, but not necessary. If a rumor is proven to beContinue readingRumors & Trivia


The Good The Bad …And the Miscellaneous Related Images:


Welcome weary world-wide-web dwellers! Some of you may have stumbled upon this page asking yourself “Who the heck is Darkwing Duck?” Look no further, for you’ve reached the ultimate source on pantsless vigilante crimefighters! Darkwing Duck was a cartoon seriesContinue readingAbout